


“海昌、卫康、博士伦、强生ACUVUE、Seed、NEO、Olens、Loveil、LIL MOON、Merry Dolly、Mirage color、seencon等,日韩美瞳品牌更受年轻消费者的喜欢。”。



歌名:《Harajuku Girls》。 原唱:Gwen Stefani(格温·史蒂芬妮,美国歌手,服装品牌设计师,美国著名Ska-Punk风格的No Doubt乐队主唱,在这支多次获得格莱美奖的乐队中,Gwen Stefani成为乐队绝对的标志性人物和领导核心) 歌词: Were mono there's me, there's you (hoko-ten) In a pedestrian paradise Where the catwalk got its claws (meow) A subculture in a kaleidoscope of fashion Prowl the streets of Harajuku (irasshaimase) Super lovers, tell me where you got yours (at the super lovers store) Yoji Yamamoto, I'm hanging with the locals Where the catwalk got its claws, all you fashion know-it-alls With your underground malls in the world of Harajuku Putting on a show, when you dress up in your clothes Wild hair color and cell phones Your accessories are dead on Harajuku Girls you got the wicked style I like the way that you are, I am your biggest fan Harajuku Girls you got the wicked style I like the way that you are, I am your biggest fan Harajuku girls, I'm looking at you girls You're so original girls You got the look that makes you stand out Harajuku Girls, I'm looking at you girls You mix and match it girls You dress so fly and just parade around (arigato) I'm fascinated by the Japanese fashion scene Just an American girl, in the Tokyo streets My boyfriend bought me a Hysteric Glamour shirt They're hard to find in the states, got me feeling couture What's that you got on? Is it Comme des Garcons? Vivienne Westwood can't go wrong, mixed up with second hand clothes (Let's not forget about John Galliano) (no) Flipped the landscape when Nigo made A Bathing Ape I got expensive taste (oh, well) I guess better save up (cho takai) Harajuku Girls you got the wicked style I like the way that you are, I am your biggest fan Harajuku Girls you got the wicked style I like the way that you are, I am your biggest fan Harajuku Girls you got the wicked style I like the way that you are, I am your biggest fan Harajuku Girls you got the wicked style I like the way that you are, I am your biggest fan Work it, express it, live it, command your style Create it, design it Now let me see you work it Create it, design it Now let me see you work it You bring style and color all around the world. (You HarajukuGirls) You bring style and color all around the world. (You HarajukuGirls) You're looking so distinctive like D.N.A., like nothing I've ever seen in the U.S.A. Your underground culture, visual grammar The language of your clothing is something to encounter A Ping-Pong match between eastern and western Did you see your inspiration in my latest collection? Just wait 'til you get your little hands on L.A.M.B., 'Cause it's (super kawaii), that means (super cute in Japanese) The streets of Harajuku are your catwalk (bishoujo you're so vogue) That's what you drop Cho saikou, Harajuku girls (And that’s what you drop, and that’s what you drop) Cho saikou, Harajuku girls (I'm your big fan, why Stefani, you like-a me?) Harajuku girls, you got the wicked style I like the way that you are I am your biggest fan, oh Harajuku girls, you got the wicked style I like the way that you are I am your biggest fan, oh Style detached from content A fatal attraction to cuteness Style is style Fashion is fashion Girl, you got style。



第一部分:招呼顾客 1, Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,我能为您效劳吗? 2, Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you ? 太太,中午好, 您想买什么? 3, Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you ? 小姐,晚上好,您需要什么? 4, Welcome to our countelr. 欢迎光临本柜 5, Welcome to XX plaza . 欢迎光临XX广场 6, Please take your time . 请随便看看 Conversation A S:sales (营业员) C:Customer(顾客) 7, S:Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,您想买什么? C:I’m thinking of buying a toy for my son. 我想给我儿子买个玩具。 S:May I know how old is he?他几岁了? C:He’ll be six next Sunday. The toy is for his birthday. 下个星期天他就六岁了,玩具是作为他的生日礼物。 S:I see .How about this one? 我明白了,这个怎么样? Conversation B S:Welcome to counter madam .what can I do for you ? 欢迎光临本柜,你想买什么? C:I’m just looking around .我只是随便看看。 S:Please take you time .If any thing you like ,just let me now . 请随便看看,如果看中什么,请告诉我。 C:Ok I will . thank you .谢谢,我会的。 Exercise 1 练习当外宾走到你面前时,如何向顾客打招呼,员工之间相互练习。 第二部分:指路 1. Go straight on ,then make a left turn ,you”ll find the toilet 请笔直走,再向左转,你会找到洗手间的。

2、The Infornation Desk is on the first floor .(Ground floor) 总服务台在一楼。

3、Please go downstairs.(upstairs)请下(上)楼。

4、You can take the escalator up to the 5th floor. 你可以乘坐电梯到五楼。

5、Follow me ,please .请随我来。

6、Thls way,Please. 这边请。

7、You will not miss it. 你不会错过的。

8、Where is the sport-department?-It’on the flfth floor. --体育用品在几楼?---在五楼。

9、The cashler is on thls wsy. 收银台在那边。

10、It’s on you right hand slde. 在你的右手边。 ConVersation C:Excuse ms,could you tell me where the sport-department is? 劳驾,请问体育用品在几楼? S:It’s on the 5th floor,you may take the escalator to. 在五楼,你可以乘座电梯上去。 C:Thank you,By the way,how can I find the tollet? 谢谢你,顺便问一下,男士洗手间在哪? S:Taka a left turn,then go straight on,It’s on your right hand slde ,You will not miss it. 请向左转,然后笔直向前走,它就在你的右手边,你不会错过的。 C:Thanks a lot. 谢谢! S:You are welcome . 没关系! Exercise 员工之间练习指示方向。 第三部分:推荐商品

1、 Do you want me to show you something? 你想看些什么?

2、 Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个?

3、 Are you interested in any speclal brand?你是否对特别的品牌感兴趣?

4、 May I know what you like?请告诉我你看中了什么商品?

5、 Would you like this one,which I recommend to you?你喜欢我推荐的这件商品吗?

6、 It’a world-famous brand.这是国际名牌。

7、 I think it looks good on you.我觉得你穿这件很人合适。

8、 It is the most popular color this year.这是今年最流行的颜色。

9、 This brand is suitable for young people.这个品牌适合年轻人。

10、 It seems you are interested in …..?你好象对这件商品感兴趣?

11、 Do you have something like this?你们有没有象这样的东西?

12、 Here you are. 给你。 下面是另一部分的: 您有什么需要吗? Can I help you? May I help you? What can I show you? What can I do for you? Anything I can do for you? Can I be of any assistance to you? 有人招呼您了吗? Are you being served? Are you being seen to? Have you been taken care of? 您想买些什么? Do you want to buy something here? 您想看什么样的? What kind would you like? What kind would you like to see? 您喜欢什么样的? What style do you prefer? 您觉得这个款式怎样? How do you like this pattern? What about this pattern? How do you think of this design? 希望能帮到你哦~~~。



住在哪里? Where do you live at? 上网订购 Place an order on line 交一半订金 pay half of the deposit 不讨价还价 No bargain 三天内送货上门 home-delivery service within 3 days 商品暂时缺货凭收据退回压金.If there is a lack in the goods demanded, the deposit could be sent back on the receipt. 收百分六十压金 60% of the deposit is demanded. 喜欢哪个牌子的皮包? Which brand of bags do you like? 这是今的新款式 喜欢这个包吗? It`s the latest style today. Do you like this bag? 原价几千元的 Its original price reaches several thousand yuan. 我们的皮包是A货 你去专卖店看过这款包吗? Our bags are A grade. Have you seen this bag in its speciality stores? 我拿的货做得和原装是一样的 你喜欢哪个颜色? 我打电话问一下. The bags we buy are same with the original binding. Which color do you like? I`ll make a call to confirm. 三天后给你送过去.你几点在家? 可以买来送朋友. We`ll send it to you within 3 days. When will you be home? You could buy it for sending friends. 买十个给你打九折 来看一下样板 我做生意从不讲价的 If you buy ten bags, I can give you a discount of 90%. Come to see the pattern. We always do business without bargain. 那些皮包一看就是假的 很多外国人都来我这里买 这是我的卡片 谢谢惠顾 要买名牌包吗? Those bags are unreal just with one glance. A lot of foreigners come to buy bags here. This is my card. Thank you for patronage. Do you want to buy named brand bags? 把你喜欢的皮包图片给我,我打电话问一下有没有货. 现在海关查得很严 Give me the pictures of the bags you like. I`ll make a call to check if we have the stock. Recently the Customs are checking severely. 只挣一点钱. 是薄利多销. 这款包非常适合你! 颜色也很时尚 We only make a little money. Small profits but quick turnover. This style of bag suits you well! The color is fashionable. 还需要其它吗? 货不能放在家里,被查到了就要惹麻烦. Do you want anything else? The stock can`t be at home, if it is found out we`ll get into trouble. 很高贵 很优雅 比真货更完美! 喝一点什么? 还有首饰\钱包. very dignified very elegant more perfect than the real ones! What do you drink? We also have jewelry and purses 没有人能分出真假. No one can tell the the diffence between this one and the real one.。
