How much time does it take to apply the full set of products from the Fresh Look line?

How much time does it take to apply the full set of products from the Fresh Look line?

Five minutes."

The full set of products from the Fresh Look line can be applied in about 15-20 minutes depending on the size and texture of your hair."

It takes about 15-20 minutes to fully apply all of the products from the Fresh Look line."

Fresh Look Line can be applied by one person in 30 minutes or less depending on the amount of hair being treated."

"It usually takes about 30 minutes to fully apply all of the products from the Fresh Look line."

Five minutes."

It usually takes about 15-20 minutes to fully apply all the products from the Fresh Look line."

"It usually takes about 15-20 minutes to complete the entire process."

The full set of products from the Fresh Look line takes about 15 minutes to apply."